Okay, so we can't get enough of this place, okay? Actually, although it has gotten a bit expensive over the last few years, they have done a lot of upgrades to the place. Plus, there is so much to do here, so much to see, so many places to go - or to stay away from as may be one's preference. Regardless, it is one of our most favorite destinations. 3 1/2 hours from home, it offers easy access for a three day weekend. So we saddled up our trusty steed and headed to Buellton, home of Pea Soup Anderson's.
Since replacing Boldlygo with Boldlygo II, this is the first place we thought to head to. We packed up first thing this morning and headed out. On this trip, Dani decided to accompany us. I'll write more about that later, as tomorrow will be our really fun day. Today is a day for relaxation, sitting around watching tv, fixing a nice supper, maybe bake some brownies.
Set up was no more complicated that it was for Boldlygo, but it seems that it took me forever to complete the task. I do sort of realize that I was not nearly as organized as I had come to be in our old trailer. I'll get there with this one, it will just take some time. I think Sandy actually had more to do than I did, what with setting out the do-dads and the trinkets, you know the stuff that makes a house a home. Anyhow, she was finished long before I was.
And now, it's time to relax. I can hear a steak and baked potatoe calling me. Please enjoy these few pictures. We'll write some more soon!
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