November 14, 2010 - 4:30 PM
Okay, so I have to start this blog with a classified advertisment. Wanted: official Boldlygo II blog photographer. Must be willing to travel. Must be willing to take pictures. Must be willing to use a camera instead of a cell phone. Salary comensurate with our budget (yep, you gotta do it for free). No takers? Well, that explains the crummy (crumby?) pictures below.
As we wrote before, Dani (our 7 year old grand daughter) went with us on this trip. This is Dani's second RV trip, which in my book makes her a veteran. Hmmm . . . I wonder if she knows how to use a digital camera? But I digress . . .
Saturday morning bright and early, we got up and fixed ourselves a nice big breakfast of bacon, eggs, biscuits and papi's famous gravy. Not exactly the healthiest thing that we could have eaten, but hey, we're on vacation, even if it is for only a couple of days. After breakfast, it was off to Solvang, that cute little overcrowded, overpriced, overhyped, over-everything town where simple tourists are stripped of their money faster than a locust run on a wheat field. It's a good thing that we are more sophisticated than that! So anyhow, after our money ran out, we decided to use our last 3 dollars to treat Dani to her first taste of aebleskivers. What are aebleskivers you ask? Aebleskivers are Danish pancakes that are cooked in a ball, slathered with raspberry sauce and powdered sugar. Mmmm . . . sugar, sugar, sugar! Just what an old diabetic (me) and a seven year old (Dani) need, right? And just to give you an idea of what this delectable treat looks like, here's a crummy (crumby?) cell phone picture:

Trust me . . . they taste a LOT better than that picture looks. Just take a look at Dani digging in and it will give you and idea of just how yummy they are! As an added bonus, the lady in the window in the background is where they sell these little gems.
Uh . . . I was joking about spending all of our money . . . sort of . . . but we did get a chance to eat some lunch in Solvang too. I don't remember the name of the little place, but as is the norm, it was wonderfully overpriced. On the plus side though, the food was absolutely mediocre and the service was only second rate. Trust me, it could have been worse.
While in Solvang, Gramma bought a puzzle for Dani to put together in order to keep her busy back at camp. The puzzle was completed in record time!! Of course, gramma is the one who put it together, but hey! Who's keeping score? Here's the end result:

Nice huh? That is a pretty picture of a downey chick. Speaking of chicks, on the way back to camp from Solvang, we stopped at the ostrich and emu ranch just outside of Buellton. For the trifling sum of 4 dollars (plus a buck for food), you can go in and feed the ostriches and the emu. Ostriches are very aggressive birds when it comes to food. If you are holding a bowl full of food, they will try to take the bowl away from you by pulling it out of your hands. You have to stand your ground and hang on to your bowl. Some genius at this farm had the bright idea of bolting a plastic bowl to a metal dustpan, the handle of the dustpan granting the holder a better purchase in order to prevent said big birds from yanking the bowl out of the feeder's hands. It's actually a pretty good idea, but don't tell bubba. He'll get the big head and next thing you know he'll be trying to fix the car or something really dangerous. Anyhow, Dani went through TWO bowls of ostrich food (that's 2 bucks folks, for those of you keeping score). Here's some pics:

And of course, Papi had to get into the act. If I had known gramma was gonna take my profile picture, I would have lost that extra ten pounds! Here's a couple of pics:

Okay, so then it was back to Boldlygo for a little relaxation. Sandy took a little nap on the handy couch. There is SO MUCH ROOM compared to what we are used to. We are still trying to acustom ourselves to such a cavernous feel. I actually had to GET UP and WALK across the room to get the TV remote! Hey, I though we were here to relax?!! So anyhow, Dani found that couch very comfortable too:

Then a little bit of campfire to top off the first half of the evening:

Afterwards, we barbecued a hamburger and watched The Karate Kid. Great movie, by the way. Then off to dreamland . . .
Sunday morning was getaway day. Back to the daily grind, but not before the challenge of trying to back a large trailer into a medium sized driveway. I must say that we did a lot better job this time. We got the trailer into the proper spot with minimal "back and forthing" (is that a word?) and we didn't get mad at each other even once!
Oh, here's a picture of the rig sitting outside McDonald's. McDonald's you ask? Of course. After all, we did have a seven year old with us!! Here's the rig. Mighty handsome if you ask me:
So, this is the end of our first adventure with our new trailer, heretofore referred to as Boldlygo II and hereafter as simply "Boldlygo".
Thanks for tuning in to the Adventures of Boldlygo!