Buck the wonderdog! 12/26/08
Let us introduce you to the newest member of our family. Buck is a black Labrador Retriever, born on September 28, 2008, which makes him about 12 weeks of age in these pictures. These pics were shot on the day that we brought Buck home. This first pic is of Becky holding Buck.

The day after Christmas, we finally decided that it was time to get another dog. So, we thought we would look around at a couple of local pet stores to see what they had. I am a bit leery of pet stores and where they get their animals. We didn't want a puppy that came out of a 'puppy mill'. Rather, we wanted a pup that came from a respectable breeder. Buck came from a professional breeder in Arkansas. I suppose that makes Buck a red neck. Of course, with a name like Buck, being a red neck is part of the territory.

Here's a couple of shots of me with the Buckster. Yeah, his name is Buck, but we have come up with a number of variations of his name, depending upon his (or our) mood. For instance, when he is playful, he is the Buckster. When he's been bad, he's a Buck-head. When he whines, he's Buck Owens. When we're really upset with him, he's a Buck-face. The list goes on and on, but you get the idea. Post edit: It has been pointed out to me that our pet names (pun intended) for Buck could be taken to mean something that we are not implying. When we call him Buck Head or Buck Whatever, please insert the word 'Butt', NOT THE OTHER WORD!!

Buck was in the first pet store we went to. He was right out front, laying down sleeping when we first saw him. Of course, it didn't take much coaxing to get him to play with us a bit. Sandy fell in love with him immediately. It took me a few more minutes to warm up to him, although I knew in my heart that this was the dog for us. I have always loved labs - and especially black labs. They have such a wonderul temperament as well as being very intelligent. They make wonderful pets and are especially good with children. They are not normally aggressive and are easily trained. Of course, we are in the middle of training right now. House training, leash training (the most difficult thing it seems), command training (sit, stay, down), etc. It's a lot of work, but a dog that is obedient is a joy to the owner and content with himself.
We were a bit reluctant to take on the responsibility of another dog, but in the end, our hearts won out over our heads. It has been years since we raised and trained a puppy. My brother and sister in law came over on Saturday to meet Buck. They brought a squeaky duck toy for Buck to play with. It has become one of his most favorite things!! While here, my brother mentioned that he thought the dog was a bit lethargic. We had an appointment with the vet on Sunday, but wishing to err on the side of caution, we decided to call the vet and take Buck in that day. I'm glad we did. We were concerned about Buck possibly having Parvo and although his Parvo test turned out negative, we did find that he had parasites. Hmmm . . . what the heck is a parasite? I've known a few people that I considered to be parasites . . . so was the doc telling us that we were parasites, since Buck had us? No . . . well maybe . . . but actually, the doc was telling us that Buck had worms. Oh joy . . . Anyhow, the doc gave us some medicine for Buck and as of this writing, he is doing much better.
So now you are introduced to Buck. Right now, he's wagging his tail. I guess that must mean that he is happy to meet you. :-) Watch for pictures of Buck while he roams around with us on our frequent forays with Boldlygo!!
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