Now, life is finally starting to find some semblance of normalcy. So with the roughest of our current road behind us, we decided to seek the relaxation and solace offered by a road trip! We really didn't have a lot of time to spare so we thought about staying in a hotel for the one night that we would be on the road. However, we both prefer our "home away from home" and decided to pull Boldlygo behind us. The Chula Vista KOA was our destination and doing nothing was our purpose. Like I have already written, it was a very short trip, but here are a few pictures to augment our story:
I know that Sandy is going to ask why in the world that I included a picture of her car. However, if you look closely, you can see that it is FILTHY DIRTY! So is my truck :-) Both were casualties of our complicated life over the last 6 weeks.
After arriving and setting up camp, we headed over to Belmont to walk along the boardwalk. While there, we came across and group of people who were roller dancing to some old 70's disco music. I'm not sure that 'roller dancing' is the right term, but that's what it looked like to me. For the most part, the folks that were doing this were old people like me. It looked like a lot of fun!
After soaking in a little sun, we headed over to Old Town San Diego for some Mexican food and home made tortillas! Stuffed and fully sated, we headed back to the RV park. Here's a picture of what we did for the rest of the evening. Yes, it was a very short trip. It was also a very needful trip. Thank you Angel for taking me camping this weekend :-)